Pre-action parameters

Explore the list of data points available to use in authorisation rules and to surface data to your Links.

Available data points

Action Links uses 'incremental authorisation', enabling you to surface a wider range of data points if the user has been through a more robust authentication method.

For Tessitura, users can authenticate by providing their Constituent ID (constituentId) and email address (email) as parameters in the URL, or by logging in to their Tessitura account.

Constituent ID and email address

To authenticate using a Constituent ID and email address, you must add both constituentId and email as allowed URL parameters for a Link. By including or not including these you can determine whether a user should be able to authenticate using this method.



constituentIdEmail if the user has authenticated using their Constituent ID and email address.


false if the user is not logged in, true if they are. If the user is logged in, the parameters for 'logging in' (below) will be available.


The value of the Primary Electronic Address on a Constituent's record.


The name from the First Name field on a Constituent's record.


The value of the Last Name field on a Constituent's record.

Logging in

Logging in gives access to the full set of data points below, as well as those listed above.



An array with all of the Constituencies (includes multiple data points for each Constituency) for the Constituent and their affiliations.

Constituency IDs

An array of the Constituency IDs for a Constituent and their affiliations.

Constituency Codes

An array of the Constituency Codes for a Constituent and their affiliations.


An array of all of the Attributes (includes multiple data points for each Attribute) for the Constituent and their affiliations.

Attribute IDs

An array of the Attribute IDs for a Constituent and their affiliations.

Attribute Category IDs

An array of the Category IDs for all of the Attributes for a Constituent and their affiliations.

Special Activities

An array of all of the Special Activities (includes multiple data points for each Activity) for the Constituent and their affiliations.

Special Activity IDs

An array of the Special Activity IDs for a Constituent and their affiliations.

Surfaced data will be exposed to users

The data that you choose to surface to your actions will be returned to a user's browser, regardless of whether you use it in your content. Users will be able to view the data by inspecting the network requests of the page. You should therefore be cautious if that data is likely to include particularly sensitive information that you wouldn't want the user to have access to. Users must successfully authenticate themselves (e.g. by logging in) in order for their data to be returned, and so this caution is only applicable to any data stored on a customer's record that you wouldn't want that customer to see.

You can use a custom parameter to return a limited subset of a particular data point. In fact, we recommend doing this instead of surfacing larger data points (e.g. Special Activities) to avoid transferring any redundant data which could unnecessarily increase the load time of your Link.

The data points used to evaluate authorisation rules will not be returned to the user's browser unless you choose to surface them.

Last updated