Locked content
Require a user to enter a code to unlock access, with the option to ask users to pay or provide an email address.
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Require a user to enter a code to unlock access, with the option to ask users to pay or provide an email address.
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Add price options to display to the user – either a fixed price or multiple options.
Price -> Amount
Specify an amount for the price (in £s).
Price -> Custom label
By default the price will display the amount prefixed by £. Optionally specify an alternative label; supports markdown.
Custom amount?
If checked, the user will be able to specify their own amount to pay.
Minimum amount
If the user is able to specify their own amount, set a minimum.
Locked content – header
The content to display in the header section when a user has successfully unlocked access to the content.
Locked content – body
The content to display in the body section when a user has successfully unlocked access to the content.
Rather than storing each code in a database and validating authenticity by checking against the database, our system is able to validate codes without needing to make requests to third-party services (e.g. Stripe). This is particularly important if you're expecting a significant number of visitors in a short space of time (e.g. for a paid live stream) as it removes the risk of overwhelming the database.
Instead, codes are generated by joining together the user's credentials, the identifier for the Link, and an additional 'salt', and encrypting the combined value. This combination ensures that the code is secure, as well as being unique to each Link that you create.
When a user makes a purchase, their unique code for the Link is additionally stored in your connected Stripe account against the Payment Intent as a metadata attribute called 'code'.
You can customise your Action Links by including parameters in the URL. To use parameters, include a question mark (?
) at the end of the URL followed by your parameters in the format given below. Each parameter should be separated by an ampersand (&
The following parameters are supported for this Action:
Pre-populates the email field in both the unlock and purchase forms
Pre-populates the code field