Log in or Register

Let your users validate their account or log in by email link, and deliver conditional messaging by List.

The Log in or register action delivers an optimised log in/registration experience and allows you to display targeted messaging to your users based on the Lists they belong to in Tessitura.

Login configuration


Share sessions with TNEW?

This functionality is now set at an integration-level. Find out more about TNEW session sharing.


This functionality is now set at an integration-level. Find out more about TNEW session sharing.

Login Type ID

Tessitura enables you to use different Login Types to keep accounts for your different applications separate. In most cases, however, it makes sense to use the same Login Type across your applications to enable users to use the same account to log in across all of them. The default Login Type ID is usually 1.

Credentials Email HTML Template ID

Users can opt to receive an email with a direct link to log in or a token they can copy and paste into a field in the Action Link page. The email they receive will use a HTML template in Tessitura for which you'll need to paste the ID from T_FORMAT_INFO. See below for more information about setting up the template.

Source / Promo code

The Source ID or Promo code that will be applied to the user when successfully logged in.

Avoiding creation of duplicate Constituents If there are Constituents with a matching primary email address but none have an active or temporary Login, the user will be asked to register an account. This is to avoid giving access to an existing record without validating that the user should have access to that record's data. To avoid multiple duplicate Constituents being created, in most cases you should configure Tessitura to automatically create a Login for each new Constituent that is created. This is usually achieved using a Stored Procedure, but you may want to seek advice from Tessitura as to the best approach for your organisation.

Creating a Credentials Email HTML template

To enable users to receive an email that enables them to log in (with the option to set a new password), you'll need to set up a Credentials Email HTML template. This template should include:

  • The Login Token the user will need to copy and paste into the token field in the Action Link to validate their email address.

  • A link to the Action Link that the user can click to log in directly (instead of copying and pasting the token). You'll need to construct this link yourself by adding parameters to your Log in or register Action Link URL for token and email – append a question mark (?) at the end of the URL, followed by email= and the email address, followed by an ampersand (&), followed by token= and the token. Here's an example: my-organisation.action.link/log-in?email=email@address.com&token=a1b2-c3d4-e5f6-g7h8

Once you've created your HTML template, you'll need to create a record in T_FORMAT_INFO. It's the ID for this record that you'll need to use for the Credentials Email HTML Template ID field in your Action Link.



This is the value that you'll need to copy and past into the Credentials Email HTML Template ID field in the settings for your Action Link.


This can be any value to help you recognise this template in the list.

Gooesoft Report ID

This should be Credential Emails.

D Object

(leave blank)

Form ID

(leave blank)

Receipt Counter

(leave blank)

Control Group

Choose a Control Group for the format.

Email Ind

This should be checked to indicate that the format is an email.

Template Id

The ID for the HTML template you just created.

Form details


Email address help text

A message that will display below the email address field. You could use this, for example, to indicate that the user should use the email address associated with their organisation, rather than a personal email address.

Password hint

A message that will display below the password field. This is particularly useful for reminding users of the password requirements, e.g. Hint: Passwords must be more than 6 characters long with at least 1 capital letter, number and special character..

Allow registration?

If checked, users who don't have an account will be able to register. Users enter the email address, and Action Links validates whether the user has an account, directing them to either log in or register as appropriate. If unchecked, users without an account will be shown a invalid message.

Registration options


Constituent Type ID

The ID of the Constituent Type to use when creating a new Constituent for a registering user.

Original Source ID

The Original Source ID to use when creating a new Constituent for a registering user. You may want to add a new Source that's specific to this Action Link to track registrations.

Show phone number field

If checked, users will be asked to provide a phone number.

Require phone number

If checked, users will not be able to submit the registration form without providing a phone number. It may be that your setting in T_DEFAULTS require a phone number to be provided when creating a new Constituent record – if so, this should be checked to ensure that users are able to register.

Help text for phone number

It's a good idea to provide users with additional context about how their data will be used. For example, you could say: We'll use this to contact you if there is a problem with an order.


This is text that will display above the list of group preferences, if provided.

Group preferences

Specify preferences that a user should be able to subscribe to (adding Contact Permissions and Interests to their Constituent record). See the Subscribe form settings for more details.

Default redirect URL

An optional URL to redirect the user to if they've successfully logged in.

Default message

A message to display if the user has successfully logged in. You can use markdown and HTML in this field, find out more about the content types available. Note: This field does not support data interpolation because the Pre-Action layer will only surface data on page load, at which point the user may not be logged in. If you want to display personalised messaging to a user after login, redirect them to an alternative Action to do this.

Last updated